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External Systems

KickStartTrustee Basic FMIS

KickStartTrustee Basic FMIS is a basic FMIS (Farm Management Information system) that serves as a demo to illustrate the envisioned interaction between an Agricultural Data Trustee and an agricultural third-party application. KST Basic FMIS is realized as a Single Page Application (SPA) for farmers and has no backend. Farmers can use KST Basic FMIS to manage their field-related data stored at the KST Platform. KST Basic FMIS can provide and consume the field-related data of the farmer. Thus, KST Basic FMIS plays the role of a Data Prosumer that interacts with KST Platform (see System Context and Domain).


KST Basic FMIS has a simple dashboard that offers the following (basic) features/ capabilities to the farmer:

  1. Provides the farmer with the ability to create a field and add its metadata (e.g., name, location, etc.,) and pushes (acts as a data provider) the field to be stored at the farmer’s account on KST Platform.
  2. Provides the farmer with the ability to create a disease report for their fields, and pushes (acts as a data provider) the report to be stored at the farmer’s account on the KST Platform.
  3. Retrieves (acts as a data consumer) the farmer’s list of fields from their account on the KST Platform, and displays them in a list view as well as in a map view (simple map and satellite).
  4. Retrieves (acts as a data consumer) the farmer’s list of disease reports from their account on the KST Platform, and displays the details in a list view.
  5. Retrieves (acts as a data consumer) the farmer’s list of disease warnings from their account on the KST Platform, and displays the details in a list view.

General Information

KST Platform offers a web API for third-party applications. The API covers the following concerns: data provisioning, data consumption and consent management. The API is protected using Access Tokens according to OAuth 2.0 standard.

KST Basic FMIS is registered as a client to the KST Platform Authorization Server. To obtain an Access Token, KST Basic FMIS performs the Authorization Code Flow with the farmer. With that Access Token, KST Basic FMIS can use the KST Platform API.

Providing and Consuming data via KST Platform requires explicit consent of the farmer who is considered as the “owner” of its field-related data. Therefore, in case there is no consent yet, KST Basic FMIS will request the consent of the farmer using the consent request mechanism provided by KST Platform. Via KST Platform UI, the farmer will be able to review the consent request and decide whether to accept or decline it. Once the consent request is accepted, i.e., the consent has been established, KST Basic FMIS will be able to provide and consume farmer’s data using KST Platform according to the farmer’s consent.

Core Concepts and Technology

Core Concepts


Deployment/ Operations

KST Basic FMIS is containerized and can be operated using Docker. For details about the Deployment of our demo system as a whole (including KST Basic FMIS), please have a look at this page: Deployment and Operation.

The KST Basic FMIS Docker Image requires certain environment variables to be configured:

Known Issues/ Limitations